Mould: Preform 5 Litre — In.Kol Limited Liability Company
Mould: Preform 5 Litre
Material: PET
Mould: nests - 4
Removal: slider
Cycle time: 30 seconds
GCS: direct injection into the item by direct-flow injector with locking moulding channel
Features: need for intensive cooling of the casting
In.Kol Limited Liability Company
Modern technical solutions and advanced technologies allow us to implement even the most complicated technical projects. Regardless of the size and weight of the delivered tasks, we perform them in the shortest possible time without loss of quality. Contact us in order to request further information about our company or products
Address: Simferopolskiy Lane 6, 61000, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Telephone: 380-57-7281278
Telefax: 380-57-7125385